Harvest Time

Once again the harvest is upon us, the Vignerons have been very busy, caring for their vines.

Now the grapes have changed colour, they wait for the correct sugar levels; which require the right amount of sunshine. This year has been particularly dry and we are told a good year!

The picking has commenced with white grapes and red for rosés; they will pick the grapes from now until the the end of the month maybe even later dependent on the what they desire in the juice.....flavour, sugar, alcohol level.

We will be posting pictures of the harvesting process very soon.

From growing to harvesting

The vigneron works throughout the summer months, cutting, treating and tending the vines. They must ensure that they get the required results to achieve their final objective.

The grapes grow week on week, and so does the vine, this needs to be kept cut so that it does not interfere with the growth of the grape; the foliage has protective qualities and shelters the grapes too! They must decide on the best methods to control pests and weeds, others may see these and as part of nature.

We  must not ignore the vast area that they must cover. Some work by hand and others use machinery but this is still no small task....